Thousand Piller Temple .. situated in Warangal district in Andhrapradesh, India which is A Historical , traditional and devotional Centre. Now it looks so bad, because of the careless. Who are the responsible for the temple destroyment either people or government. Whatever it may be now it has no look.
Only the visitors and tourists who coming to see the temple are standing before the main temple and enjoys its beauty without kalyanamandapa. It destroyed in 2005 from that day there is no developments in the structural foundation. High density and extraordinary sculpture fall in down.Archeological Survey of India should protect the monument but there is no response for the people who are working there as supervisors. and the present situation is to tell to media that work in progress. As per the warangal people analysis there is no development in renovation. On the name of renovation a beautiful structure was destroyed due to regional and personal obligations of some people. Who can save the monument in future?..